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Explore Our Results

The REPEAT Project provides regular, timely, and independent environmental and economic evaluation of federal energy and climate policies as they’re proposed and enacted and tracks the United States’ progress on the path to net-zero emissions.

Use our Data Explorer tool to explore our results and see how far the United States has come on the path to net-zero under current and proposed policies. Note that the Data Explorer currently presents results from our 2023 annual update. Results from the 2024 annual update will be uploaded soon.
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Current Policies Scenarios

A trio of scenarios (‘Conservative’, ‘Mid-range’, and ‘Optimistic’) assess the likely impact of currently enacted federal policies, including the combined impact of two landmark laws passed by the 117th Congress: H.R. 5376, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) and H.R. 3684, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA). The three scenarios reflect uncertainty about the effectiveness of IRA provisions and the potential impacts of constraints on supply chains and other rate-limiting factors. See our complete list of policies in IRA and IIJA and assumptions and treatment of each policy under the three Current Policies scenarios. Note: Current Policies scenarios do not currently include the impacts of EPA light duty vehicle tailpipe emissions standards through MY2026 finalized in December 2021 or the heavy-duty vehicle air pollution rule for MY2027 and beyond finalized in December 2022. However, modeled results are very close to compliant with these rules in all cases. Both rules will be explicitly treated in subsequent REPEAT Project analysis.

Infrastructure Law Only ('IIJA')

1.3 Billion
Tons Short
Of 2030 Climate Goals
0.2 Million
Net Jobs Created
In Energy Supply Related Industries
Reduction in Energy Use
By 2030

This scenario reflects the impact of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (H.R. 3684) alone. This scenario removes all Inflation Reduction Act policies from the Current Policies scenario above to isolate the impact of IIJA.

Frozen Policies Benchmark

This scenario captures the range of existing policies as of the start of the 117th Congress and inauguration of President Biden in January 2021 and helps set a benchmark against which the impacts of recently enacted or proposed policies can be measured.

Net-Zero Pathway Benchmark

This scenario reflects a cost-optimized pathway to reduce economy-wide U.S. greenhouse gas emissions 51% below 2005 levels by 2030 and to net-zero by 2050, consistent with U.S. mid-term and long-term climate goals under the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. It is one of many possible paths to net-zero but serves as an illustrative benchmark to assess whether or not the United States is on track to reach climate mitigation goals.

Examine the Data

Select a scenario to explore below. Use the Benchmark tab to compare the scenario’s data against the Frozen Policies or Net-Zero Pathway benchmarks and/or other policy scenarios. Use the Time Series tab to view the scenario’s data over time. You can also refine results by using the Filters section. Results can be presented at the national or state level using the Scope selector. Data can be downloaded for further analysis and all data is presented under Creative Commons BY 4.0 license.

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